Wednesday 18 September 2013

Nina Ricci print advert analysis

Colour: The feminine shade of pink instantly makes it clear that the advertisement and product is targeted towards females. The colour pink connotes compassion, nurturing and unconditional love.
It makes the audience feel as though the product is very gentle and subtle. The colour conveys an image of the perfume as being innocent and the female also as she is dressed in a baby pink dress with white flowers around her, connoting purity.

Framing: The female is surrounded and framed by four mirrors reflecting images in the room, including her. Also, she is holding the perfume bottle behind her as well as it being places at the tail of her dress in a larger print. Moreover, two trees are placed next to and behind her which creates quite a feminine and innocent feel as it adds white to the  image.

Composition: The image has been composed with the female on the right side of the print, using the rule of three thirds. This draws more attention to her and creates a sense of importance not only to her but the perfume bottle also, placed on the opposite (left) side of the print. All the images in the print blend well together due to the similar shades of colours.

Size:  The perfume bottle which is the actual product is not the largest image on the print, however it is placed the closest to the camera which draws attention to it. The text is small compared to the images, however the Brand name is clear and visible. The slogan on the other hand is not.

Type of shot: The overall print is a long-shot and slightly low-angle, this includes the female, trees, flowers and mirrors. Although, the actual perfume bottle shot is a straight on, close-up. This has been done to make the advertisement look empowering, encouraging women to buy it.

Subject matter:The purpose of the print advert is to promote the Nina Ricci perfume. The product has been surrounded by feminine colours and images.

Setting: The photograph has been taken indoors. It looks as though it is a bedroom with white walls, mirrors, trees and the product. The white emphasises the purity of the product. However the pink and silver adds a sense of femininity and class.

Lighting: The print is very bright and has white light added to the whole image. The background has shadows, possibly portraying an image that the female in the shot has come something negative, but is better now that she has the perfume. The mood is positive as it is promoting the product.

Pose: The female in the image is holding the perfume bottle behind her, as looks as though she is hiding it or has a secret. Her facial expression is relaxed. The pink flower like dress and wavy hair adds to the feminine touch of the image. The product appears three times on the print in a subtle way. It is clearly displayed at the front, then is shown much smaller in her hands and reflection from the mirror.

Connotations: The constant colour white connotes purity and innocence. It could have a deeper meaning that the perfume actually smells quite floral. The way the image has been presented almost makes the audience feel as though they are in a fantasy. The tress coming out of the mirrors is quite unreal.

Audience: The product is aimed at females who are teenagers and adults. The product is priced at around £30-£50, therefore would be appropriate for a middle class audience at C1/B on the social demographics.

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