1) Film trailers usually consist of typical codes and conventions that use symbolic codes to show what is beneath the surface. Characters actions show how they are feeling, which are shown in film trailers to suggest the feel and possibly genre to an audience. Conventions are the way of doing something. Film trailers show the main climax's of the upcoming movie, however do not reveal all to interest the audience.
2) Film trailers are usually distributed by the same studio's that produced them as well as it's trailers. Studio producer examples are Warner Bros and trailer examples are Blockbusters.
3) In Ill Manors, trailer conventions are used to reveal interesting parts of the movie to the audience, but not to give away the full story. It introduces the stars of the film to target a specific audience who would be interested in those characters/actors. The music used in the trailer is original and written by Plan B, as he used every song to tell a different story. The voice over of the narrator, Plan B is used to tell the story through the trailer using a song. The fast pace music builds tension and creates drama.
4) Ill Manor is aimed at a teenage/young adult audience of a C2, D and E socio dempgraphic. This is because it is set in a low class area and presents those particular types of characters, therefor audiences can relate to it. The unique selling point of Ill Manors is that it uses original Plan B songs to help tell the story throughout the film of each character. This technique does appeal to the audience because the rap genre is popular with the target audience. The scenes do give away clues about the narrative as it includes drugs, prostitution, criminality, all themes in the film. The voice over also says 'this is Ill Manors, I am the narrator'. This clearly tells the audience what is going on and guides them through the trailer. The main stars are visible as a clip of each of them is shown in the trailer. At the end of the trailer it shows it is directed by Ben Drew and has the release date in cinemas of 6th June. The narrator Plan B's voice-over is used at the start to introduce the clip.
5) The genre of the film has been represented through numerous ways including: characters, settings, lighting, colour, music/dialogue, camera shots/movements/angles and editing.
The main characters are mostly of a teenage to young adult age. They are also from a lower class background and a C2-E socio demographic group. Using the uses and gratifications model, one could argue that the characters are in groups of: pleasure, sexual stimulation and escapism from their own lives. Characters of these needs link to a British drama genre.
The settings used in the Ill Manors trailer use quite run down and lower class area. The places that the scenes are shot consist of small houses, which are the characters homes, alley ways showing prostitution, cheap chicken shops, emphasising the non-luxury life. The genre has been represented through the use of settings and implying the drama feel.
The lighting used in the trailer uses black and white to represent a flashback. It also uses moments of dim lighting of Kirby, to represent the mysterious silhouette. The dark lighting creates suspense and mysetious, linking to the crime drama genre. When the lighting is bright, it shows the happy and more positive moments, representing characters moods.
The trailer uses quite dim colours, black, blue and grey etc. This represents the mood of the drama as it is not a pleasant story, and has serious topics involved in it.
The music at the start of the trailer is Plan B narrating the story. It then cuts to violent dialogue of raised voices and shouting, then fast paced music. The non-diegetic fast paced music creates tension, fitting with the crime drama genre.
The camerawork uses a range of close ups of characters to show their facial expressions and moods. It also uses many long-medium shots to show the characters. A low angle shot of some characters is shown to emphasisie their authority and status. Tracking flash backs shows the movement in time. The constant show of the fast moving cars represent the speed of the story line and the crime drama genre.
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